Facilities Manager Peer Exchange Meeting
September 21, 2012
Event Specifics:
- Date: Friday, September 21, 2012
- Time: 11:30 - 1:30; 90 minute tour followed by 30 minute discussion in conference room with food and beverages.
- Lunch: Provided. Please let us know of any dietary needs.
- Click Here to RSVP, or call Debra Krause at 773.505.0150
Here are some pictures from the tour of Rush's facility:
- Rush’s Campus Map is available here: http://www.chicagogreenhc.org/storage/Rush%20Campus%20Map.pdf
- Parking: Visitor parking is located in the Parking Garage, entrance on South side of Harrison Street.
- Where to meet: After you park, go to ground level via Harrison Street elevators. Main Entrance is across the street on the Brennan Entry Pavilion/Tower at ground level. Go to the information desk and tell them you are with the Chicago Green Healthcare Initiative and they will give you a temporary ID Badge. We will meet there.
- If you arrive late: Call the MCE Office 312-942-3499. The Dispatcher will contact Mike Wisniewski to meet you.
- Discussion: After the tour we will be meeting for a discussion. Pizza and drinks will be provided.
- Tour of Rush University Medical Center - 90 min
- Tower 9th Floor Mechanical Room
- Tower Basement: Automated Trash/Linen Chute, Automatic Guided Vehicles, and LiquiTech System
- Loading Dock Area and Central Energy Plant
- Brief follow on prior meeting topics - 20 min
- Tour topics
- CGHI website access and content
- LED implementation tracking
- Hospitals as beta testers of new vendor products
- Next meeting: Friday, October 19th - 5 min
- Location: TBD
- Format: single topic, round robin, tour, guest speaker?
- Knowledge sharing and collaboration improvement opportunities
- Announcements: upcoming events/information - All - 5 min
- Notes from last month's CGHI Peer Exchange Meeting are on the CGHI website.
- Details on ComEd's Smart Ideas Program Fall Bonus are on the CGHI site. Be sure to sign up for their emails.
- Continue to work on public event to promote hospitals’ efforts in coming weeks.
- Be sure to sign up for Peoples Gas emails to receive the latest information.
- Take the Grumman Butkus Hospital Energy and Water Benchmarking Survey.
We look forward to a lively discussion on how Chicago hospitals can improve patient, staff, and community health through energy efficiency operational savings.