Facilities Manager Peer Exchange Meeting
January 18, 2013
Participating Hospitals
- Mt. Sinai Hospital & Schwab Rehabilitation Institute
- Northwestern Memorial Hospital
- Presence Health
- Rush University Medical Center
- Saint Bernard Hospital
- Shriners Hospital for Children - Chicago
- University of Chicago Medical Center
NOTE: If you would like to learn more about any of the following peer exchange discussion topics, please contact the CGHI team and we will connect you with the appropriate hospital(s).
Follow-Ups From Prior Meetings
- Potential topics for future meetings include The Joint Commission, Water Efficiency, and having ComEd speak about utility rebates for other measures
- Hospitals are interested in highlighting CGHI as a hospital sector leader
- Hospitals are interested in water benchmarking as a funding opportunity
- Hospitals are interested in hospital sub-sector groups
- Hospitals are interested in pursuing energy purchase aggregation
- Hospitals are interested in setting energy reduction goals
- Hospitals to decide whether to provide CGHI team with access to or copy of utility rebate information
- Water bill exemption contact information (you will need your water account number and/or the amount of your last payment): Brian, Water Billing and Collections, 333 S. State Street, Ste. 330, Chicago, IL 60604, Hours: M-F 8:30am-4:30pm, Phone: 312.744.4420, Fax: 312.742.9153, Email: waterbill@cityofchicago.org
- Notes from the last CGHI Peer Exchange Meeting.
- The next CGHI Peer Exchange Meeting will be February 15th.
The discussion reviewed the following points, which are detailed in this presentation.
- 2012 Hospital Success
- 2013 Objectives
- Calculating Return on Investment
2012 Hospital Success
- 7 hospitals signed CGHI Pledge (total is now at 22)
- 6 Facility Manager Peer Exchange meetings attended
- Collaboration among hospitals taking place
- 15 Portfolio Manager accounts managed/configured; 4 in progress
- 9 ComEd Facility/System Assessments conducted and/or underway
- 1 district energy system metered
- 1 retro-commissioning project underway
- 1 waste audit conducted
- 10 steam trap audits conducted
- 1 energy reduction goal set (total is now at 2)
- 100s of T12 to T8 Lighting and Exit Sign retrofits
- Induction lighting retrofit in parking garage
- LED retrofit of hospital marquee sign
- 10 chillers being replaced
- 10 burners in boilers being replaced
- 2 Inteli-Hood kitchen demand ventilation control retrofits
- Installation of condensate capture and reuse system
- Numerous steam traps replaced
- Installation of system to discharge capture roof rain into Lake Michigan
- Numerous Peoples Gas double rebates leveraged
- CGHI hospitals have achieved a 4% energy reduction across the Chicago hospital sector, with specifics located here.
2013 Objectives
- Recognize achievements: Highlight Chicago Healthcare sector as national leader and have a more complete picture of sector's progress
- Shriners has internal recognition of commitment and goals
- Rush used to view energy efficiency only as budget savings, but is becoming more focused on sustainability within its structure
- Peer exchanges/collaboration: Topics for the year? Guest speakers?
- There is interest in The Joint Commission as a future meeting topic
- There is interest in Water as a future meeting topic (California used luminaries that reduce water flow, but mitigate concern over Legionnaire Disease)
- EEPS contributions/utility rebates: Promote changes and support applications to fully recoup contributions
- Identifying funding/financing opportunities: National and Local Community Foundation Support
- Portfolio Manager aggregation: Contributes to recognizing achievements and set target date for complete configuration
- Engage additional hospitals: Hospital outreach
- Is MCHC engaged in sustainability?
- Executive level steering committee: Raise the awareness and buy-in withing hospitals
- Sub groups
- Energy disclosure ordinance: Support and get out in front of?
- The Mayor's energy disclosure ordinance only requires the disclosure of energy consumption information, similar to what New York has
- Set energy reduction goal: Contributing to recognizing achievements
- Utility rebates for other measures: Ultra low temperature freezers, demand ventilation that senses air quality, and IT equipment
- Energy purchasing aggregation: Increase renewable energy percentage
- Potential funding support: Meter requirement study, strategic energy management plans, benchmarking water use
Calculating Return on Investment
Click here for a Return on Investment Calculator and you can click here to view Chicago Hospital Return on Investment Calculations.
- Simple payback
- New present value
- Internal rate of return
- Return on investment
- Cost of delay
- Net patient revenue equivalent
- Sustainable return on investment
Dan Doyle, Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Dan Doyle, the President of Grumman/Butkis Associates, gave a detailed presentation on life cycle cost analysis.
LCC Analysis Should Include the Following Metrics
- Construction cost
- Design fees
- Project/Construction management fees
- Maintence and operating costs
- Reinvestment costs
- Utility/Energy costs
- Expected service life of various types of equipment
- Timeframe for analysis
- Escalation factors
- Financial perspective
Overview of Process
- Create a baseline understanding of system operations
- Evaluate existing building operations and energy efficiency opportunities/applications
- Develop concepts of options for improved energy efficiency and sustainability
- Develop construction cost estimates, energy and operating costs
- Run life cycle cost comparison
Peoples Gas Double Rebates
We recapped Jim Hauser's presentation at last month's peer exchange meeting. Jim is with Peoples Gas/Franklin Energy shared with us the double rebates Peoples Gas has available for a limited time.
Below are a few highlights of the double rebates. For more details view Jim's presentation.
- Prescriptive rebates are doubled through April 30 2013.
- $120 per steam trap or $300-$400 per high pressure steam trap.
- With $0.80 / MBH saved, boiler tune-ups in some cases can be fully paid for with rebates.
- Demand Control Ventilation upgrades receives an extra $0.50/therm.
- $8 / ft for pipe insulation.
- $80 for programmable thermostats.
Rebate examples:
- Shriners Hospital to receive ~$17K in Peoples Gas rebates for a Linkage-less burner controls on 4 boilers. Rebate is 44% of project cost. Payback is 1.3 years.
- Mt. Sinai Intelli-hood demand control ventilation retrofit has an estimated $14,816 rebate, a 1.6 year payback, and energy savings of 7,507 therms/year.
- Resurrection retirement facility had Peoples Gas install low flow showerheads, CFLs, and faucet aerators in 670 units. Savings are $29,851 in natural gas and water saving and 18,090 therms/year. Because of the rebates, the net result was no cost for Resurrection.
- Advocate is pursuing a $1.9 million burner project which will result in a $900,000 rebate with a ROI of less than one year.
For immediate assistance taking advantage of the rebates contact Jim Hauser or Paige Knutsen with Peoples Gas/Franklin Energy. Jim and team will not only help identify and assess the energy saving opportunities but they can also complete the Peoples Gas rebate application. Contact Jim at jhauser@franklinenergy.com; O: 312.878.0038; C: 815.614.0555 or Paige Knutsen at pknutsen@franklinenergy.com; O: 312.878.0038; C: 847.942.0016
- IFF - Energy loans at 3.5%, with project management at no additional cost. Click here for more information.
- Building Operator Certification training - $500 rebate available.
- Portfolio Manager: June 2013 is the launch of an upgrade. Key improvements include: Expedited Energy Star certification; Increased charts, graphs, data spreadsheets, and reports; Expanded water meter tracking; Sustainability checklist; and Easier account sharing.
- Water bill exemption contact information (you will need your water account number and/or the amount of your last payment): Brian, Water Billing and Collections, 333 S. State Street, Ste. 330, Chicago, IL 60604, Hours: M-F 8:30am-4:30pm, Phone: 312.744.4420, Fax: 312.742.9153, Email: waterbill@cityofchicago.org
- Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy highlighted in Mayor Emanuel's Sustainable Chicago 2015 Action Agenda.
- Notes from the last CGHI Peer Exchange Meeting.
- The next CGHI Peer Exchange Meeting will be February 15th.